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Imagine Living
NDA were appointed by sales agents Imagine Living to guide them through tendering for a public sector opportunity for the first time. Not only did we manage the tender Portal on their behalf but we created a branded submission document using many excellent hi-res photographs from shared ownership schemes they had sold in the past. We drafted all content to ensure it showcases Imagine Living to their full potential, created CV’s from scratch and various infographics to support the content. We were delighted when Dagmar and her team were successful on two important Housing Association Frameworks.
“I have engaged NDA on several bids recently and they gave me lots of valuable guidance on how the submissions should be structured and what Housing Association clients are looking for. They have an excellent can-do attitude and I am delighted to have been appointed on two HA sales agent Frameworks as a result of the support NDA was able to offer my business.”
Dagmar Stewart, Director